Pendapat Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah yang disiarkan di Sinar Harian cetuskan kecaman dari orang India/Hindu Malaysia yang membuat protes bantahan ke pejabat Karangkraf (penerbit akhbar Sinar Harian) serta melalui ruang media alternatif. Anda baca sendiri kupasan oleh Dr Ridhuan Tee dibawah dan nilaikan. Bagi saya terdapat beberapa pendapat beliau yang boleh diterima terutama tentang filem Vishwaroopam namun beliau agak "terbabas" menyentuh sensitiviti kaum Hindu dalam beberapa sudut.

Kesabaran umat Islam ada had
18 Februari 2013
Majlis Madrasah India Muslim Malaysia (MIM) memberi maklumat kepada saya mengenai kontroversi filem Vishwaroopam, yang dihentikan penayangannya buat sementara waktu oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN), ekoran banyak adegan menghina agama Islam. Malangnya, parti politik India komponen Barisan Nasional (BN), mendesak mahukan filem ini terus ditayangkan kerana pada mereka ia hanya lakonan. Jahil sungguh mereka dalam memahami budaya masyarakat Islam.
Bayangkan jika orang India Muslim tidak tampil ke hadapan, sudah tentu ultra kiasu ini bersorak gembira. Jika ikhlas, sepatutnya merekalah yang tampil ke hadapan memaklumkan perkara ini kepada KDN.
Berikut adalah ringkasan penghinaan yang sengaja dilakukan terhadap agama Islam yang mulia ini. Pertama, umat Islam digambarkan sebagai pengganas. Kedua, Kitab suci al-Quran katakan sebagai rujukan pengganas. Ketiga, pakaian wanita berhijab/purdah tempat menyimpan senjata api dan bom. Keempat, ayat-ayat al-Quran dibaca bagi memulakan aktiviti jahat. Kelima, pengikut Taliban dikaitkan dengan penyembelihan manusia dan keenam, agama Islam digambarkan sebagai agama yang tidak berperikemanusiaan.
Apa tujuan filem ini sebenar? Bagaimana filem ini boleh terlepas? Walaupun KDN telah menarik penayangannya buat sementara waktu, itu bukan bermakna kita perlu berdiam diri dan berbaik sangka dengan mengatakan ia tidak disengajakan? Bagaimana jika kita melakukannya terhadap agama lain?
Difahamkan sebanyak 16 penyuntingan akan dibuat sebelum tayangan semula dilakukan. Siapakah yang menyunting filem ini sebelum ditayangkan? Orang Islam atau orang bukan Islam? Apakah patut mereka dilepaskan begitu sahaja?
Isu agama adalah amat sensitif. Pantang sekali agama Islam dipermainkan dalam apa juga bentuk sekalipun. Contoh, isu kalimah ALLAH, karikatur Nabi Muhammad SAW dan sebagainya. Apatah mempermainkan kitab suci al-Quran. Agama tidak boleh dijadikan bahan gurauan atau sindiran.
Bayangkan selepas ini kita menerbitkan filem menghina agama lain. Tentu kita masih ingat isu peristiwa perarakan kepala lembu suatu masa dahulu. Begitu juga dengan anak muda Melayu yang masih meringkuk di dalam penjara akibat cubaan membakar gereja. Malangnya, apabila anak muda bukan Islam mencampak kepala babi ke dalam surau, maka tidak dikenakan tindakan.
Apabila kena kita, tidak mengapa. Tetapi apabila kena kepada mereka, tidak boleh. Budaya politik rimba apakah ini? Kesabaran umat Islam ada had. Walaupun orang berpecah, itu bukan bermakna bukan Islam boleh mengambil kesempatan sewenang-wenang dan mempermainkan kita.
Pernahkah kita bersungut ketika perayaan Thaipusam? Seminggu sebelum perayaan, seluruh kawasan sekitar Batu Caves sesak. Kenderaan diparkir sesuka hati. Lautan manusia satu warna berhimpun, seolah-olah tidak ada warna lain lagi di negara ini.
Hari ini pergilah ke mana sahaja. Jika dahulu, rumah ibadat dan patung-patung tidak banyak kelihatan meriah. Kalau adanya pun agak suram dan tidak nampak tombolnya. Tetapi selepas PRU 12, keadaan jauh berubah. Mereka mendapat peruntukan sana sini, pusat dan negeri. Rumah ibadat kecil menjadi besar, tombol rendah menjadi tinggi dan berwarna-warni.
Apa yang saya lihat, kita sudah memberi segala-galanya bagi menagih simpati dan undi. Negara ini tidak ada lagi identiti. Agenda Islam dan Melayu entah ke mana. Saya amat yakin jika BN menang sekalipun dalam PRU 13 ini, keadaan tidak ada bezanya dengan apa berlaku hari ini. Kita akan terus menjaga hati orang lain daripada hati sendiri.
Persoalan saya, apakah agenda kita hanya untuk pilihan raya? Kita tidak bertegas dalam melaksanakan agenda negara. Tidak cukup dengan kontroversi filem tersebut, amat meloyakan apabila semua parti komponen BN meramalkan mereka akan menang banyak kerusi yang ditandingi dalam PRU 13. Hairannya, kerusi yang diramalkan menang dan mahukan itu adalah kerusi yang ditandingi kawasan majoriti Melayu.
Mereka mendesak diberikan tambahan kerusi. Jika benar-benar ikhlas, pergilah menawarkan diri bertanding di kawasan majoriti ultra kiasu (Cina). Mintalah kerusi sebanyak mana pun. Tetapi beri laluan kepada orang Islam bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu.
Saya cadangkan agar PRU 13, jika kita mahukan sangat orang India bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu, carilah kalangan India Muslim seperti KIMMA dan MIM, tetapi bukan mereka yang tidak Islam. Orang Melayu tidak teragak untuk memangkah mereka, tetapi apakah mereka memangkah kita apabila laluan diberikan? Apakah mereka akan menjaga dan menghormati sensitiviti agama Islam. Kontroversi filem Vishwaroopam jelas menunjukkan mereka langsung tidak sensitif terhadap agama rasmi negara ini.
Biodata Penulis
Name: Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah
Chinese Name: Tee Chuan Seng
Race: Chinese
Religion: Islam
BA(Hons)Political Science (UKM),
MA Strategic Studies (UKM),
PhD Politics and Government (UPM),
Dip. Islamic Studies (UIA)
Marital status: Married
No. of Children: 5
Social Activity
Committee Member of Islamic Consultative Council, Prime Minister Department (Jabatan Perdana Menteri),
Secretary General, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce,
Vice President, Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association,
National Council Member of The Muslim Welfare Organization Of Malaysia (PERKIM),
Executive Facilitator, Pengukuhan Integriti Perkhidmatan Awam, JAKIM,JPM,
President, Resident Assoc, Chairman, Perbadanan Pengurusan De Casa,
Chairman, Parent-Teacher Association,
Chairman of the At-Taqwa Surau,
Editor for 4 books,
Maal Hijrah Award Recipient (Convert)1424 H Selangor, 1427 H Wilayah Persekutuan, 1428 H Perak Tengah.
Student's leader in UKM,
President, Royal Military College's Parent-Teacher Assoc,
Council Member, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce etc
Employer: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
Occupation: Associate Professor
diambil dari Blog Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah
Bayangkan jika orang India Muslim tidak tampil ke hadapan, sudah tentu ultra kiasu ini bersorak gembira. Jika ikhlas, sepatutnya merekalah yang tampil ke hadapan memaklumkan perkara ini kepada KDN.
Berikut adalah ringkasan penghinaan yang sengaja dilakukan terhadap agama Islam yang mulia ini. Pertama, umat Islam digambarkan sebagai pengganas. Kedua, Kitab suci al-Quran katakan sebagai rujukan pengganas. Ketiga, pakaian wanita berhijab/purdah tempat menyimpan senjata api dan bom. Keempat, ayat-ayat al-Quran dibaca bagi memulakan aktiviti jahat. Kelima, pengikut Taliban dikaitkan dengan penyembelihan manusia dan keenam, agama Islam digambarkan sebagai agama yang tidak berperikemanusiaan.
Apa tujuan filem ini sebenar? Bagaimana filem ini boleh terlepas? Walaupun KDN telah menarik penayangannya buat sementara waktu, itu bukan bermakna kita perlu berdiam diri dan berbaik sangka dengan mengatakan ia tidak disengajakan? Bagaimana jika kita melakukannya terhadap agama lain?
Difahamkan sebanyak 16 penyuntingan akan dibuat sebelum tayangan semula dilakukan. Siapakah yang menyunting filem ini sebelum ditayangkan? Orang Islam atau orang bukan Islam? Apakah patut mereka dilepaskan begitu sahaja?
Isu agama adalah amat sensitif. Pantang sekali agama Islam dipermainkan dalam apa juga bentuk sekalipun. Contoh, isu kalimah ALLAH, karikatur Nabi Muhammad SAW dan sebagainya. Apatah mempermainkan kitab suci al-Quran. Agama tidak boleh dijadikan bahan gurauan atau sindiran.
Bayangkan selepas ini kita menerbitkan filem menghina agama lain. Tentu kita masih ingat isu peristiwa perarakan kepala lembu suatu masa dahulu. Begitu juga dengan anak muda Melayu yang masih meringkuk di dalam penjara akibat cubaan membakar gereja. Malangnya, apabila anak muda bukan Islam mencampak kepala babi ke dalam surau, maka tidak dikenakan tindakan.
Apabila kena kita, tidak mengapa. Tetapi apabila kena kepada mereka, tidak boleh. Budaya politik rimba apakah ini? Kesabaran umat Islam ada had. Walaupun orang berpecah, itu bukan bermakna bukan Islam boleh mengambil kesempatan sewenang-wenang dan mempermainkan kita.
Pernahkah kita bersungut ketika perayaan Thaipusam? Seminggu sebelum perayaan, seluruh kawasan sekitar Batu Caves sesak. Kenderaan diparkir sesuka hati. Lautan manusia satu warna berhimpun, seolah-olah tidak ada warna lain lagi di negara ini.
Hari ini pergilah ke mana sahaja. Jika dahulu, rumah ibadat dan patung-patung tidak banyak kelihatan meriah. Kalau adanya pun agak suram dan tidak nampak tombolnya. Tetapi selepas PRU 12, keadaan jauh berubah. Mereka mendapat peruntukan sana sini, pusat dan negeri. Rumah ibadat kecil menjadi besar, tombol rendah menjadi tinggi dan berwarna-warni.
Apa yang saya lihat, kita sudah memberi segala-galanya bagi menagih simpati dan undi. Negara ini tidak ada lagi identiti. Agenda Islam dan Melayu entah ke mana. Saya amat yakin jika BN menang sekalipun dalam PRU 13 ini, keadaan tidak ada bezanya dengan apa berlaku hari ini. Kita akan terus menjaga hati orang lain daripada hati sendiri.
Persoalan saya, apakah agenda kita hanya untuk pilihan raya? Kita tidak bertegas dalam melaksanakan agenda negara. Tidak cukup dengan kontroversi filem tersebut, amat meloyakan apabila semua parti komponen BN meramalkan mereka akan menang banyak kerusi yang ditandingi dalam PRU 13. Hairannya, kerusi yang diramalkan menang dan mahukan itu adalah kerusi yang ditandingi kawasan majoriti Melayu.
Mereka mendesak diberikan tambahan kerusi. Jika benar-benar ikhlas, pergilah menawarkan diri bertanding di kawasan majoriti ultra kiasu (Cina). Mintalah kerusi sebanyak mana pun. Tetapi beri laluan kepada orang Islam bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu.
Saya cadangkan agar PRU 13, jika kita mahukan sangat orang India bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu, carilah kalangan India Muslim seperti KIMMA dan MIM, tetapi bukan mereka yang tidak Islam. Orang Melayu tidak teragak untuk memangkah mereka, tetapi apakah mereka memangkah kita apabila laluan diberikan? Apakah mereka akan menjaga dan menghormati sensitiviti agama Islam. Kontroversi filem Vishwaroopam jelas menunjukkan mereka langsung tidak sensitif terhadap agama rasmi negara ini.
Biodata Penulis
Name: Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah
Chinese Name: Tee Chuan Seng
Race: Chinese
Religion: Islam
BA(Hons)Political Science (UKM),
MA Strategic Studies (UKM),
PhD Politics and Government (UPM),
Dip. Islamic Studies (UIA)
Marital status: Married
No. of Children: 5
Social Activity
Committee Member of Islamic Consultative Council, Prime Minister Department (Jabatan Perdana Menteri),
Secretary General, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce,
Vice President, Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association,
National Council Member of The Muslim Welfare Organization Of Malaysia (PERKIM),
Executive Facilitator, Pengukuhan Integriti Perkhidmatan Awam, JAKIM,JPM,
President, Resident Assoc, Chairman, Perbadanan Pengurusan De Casa,
Chairman, Parent-Teacher Association,
Chairman of the At-Taqwa Surau,
Editor for 4 books,
Maal Hijrah Award Recipient (Convert)1424 H Selangor, 1427 H Wilayah Persekutuan, 1428 H Perak Tengah.
Student's leader in UKM,
President, Royal Military College's Parent-Teacher Assoc,
Council Member, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce etc
Employer: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
Occupation: Associate Professor
diambil dari Blog Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah
Stupid racist guy...
ReplyDeleteSaya sokong Dato' Ridhuan Tee jadi PM kita.
ReplyDelete18/feb 2013
ReplyDelete1)Pertama, umat Islam digambarkan sebagai pengganas. Kedua, Kitab suci al-Quran katakan sebagai rujukan pengganas. Ketiga, pakaian wanita berhijab/purdah tempat menyimpan senjata api dan bom. Keempat, ayat-ayat al-Quran dibaca bagi memulakan aktiviti jahat. Kelima, pengikut Taliban dikaitkan dengan penyembelihan manusia dan keenam, agama Islam digambarkan sebagai agama yang tidak berperikemanusiaan.
a)---------What about Hollywood movies such as " Black hawk down" ?Don't have guts to face western movies.
b)Its very true Muslim terrorist practice the above --Pakistani Sunni mosque and shia mosque bombed here and there indiscriminately by Muslims
b) -------- Why not put effort to talk to Pakistani Sunni's and shias for a peaceful settlement could save the children's limps and head being blown -off or your unaware all the bombings around the planet committed by Muslims in the name of "GOD".
2)Pernahkah kita bersungut ketika perayaan Thaipusam? Seminggu sebelum perayaan, seluruh kawasan sekitar Batu Caves sesak. Kenderaan diparkir sesuka hati. Lautan manusia satu warna berhimpun, seolah-olah tidak ada warna lain lagi di negara ini.
a)There are good souls whom do park their vehicles in a descent manner ,so does others too whom park their vehicles indiscriminately but one will find almost every festival or religious activities of various race in the country practice the same.There are descent souls whom respect the rules and some wont.
b) Lautan manusia satu warna berhimpun, seolah-olah tidak ada warna lain lagi di negara ini. ---- You think you have a fair complexion,perfect color and body.
Malays also posses fair and dark complexion ,so does the Chinese whom also have light dark complexion but all the human on earth are in a process of cycle of birth and death in another word reincarnation.Hinduism the oldest faith on Earth or the pioneer focus on the soul rather than the body of Malay,Chinese,Indian and others.What kind of religious figure are you calling yourself as "ustaz" but possesses evil mind. I am very sure you wont go to "firdus" for insulting Indians and Hindu Temples.
3)Rumah ibadat kecil menjadi besar, tombol rendah menjadi tinggi dan berwarna-warni.
--------a) Even if you were to build every corner on the planet a Islamic mosque its worthless comparison to a Hindu Temple because being the 1st(ancient faith) holds a very deep secret that human don't know.Hinduism founder is no other than the "Creator/God/Allah/Jehovah". There are differences in usefulness of an Hindu Temple comparison to others faith including mosque.1000 times inside a mosque has no value ,why not ask the Malays forefathers whom practiced Hinduism.I believe they had a peaceful mind and knowledge comparison to current Malays.
b)The God's are watching --beware of your arm's thumb print . It holds your "KARMA" or well known as your action sins.The swamiji .
1)(Public figure)----"If you want to rule the state, first, put your house in order. To put your house in order, first, cultivate yourself morally. To cultivate yourself morally, first, put your heart right. To put your heart right, you must be sincere"
ReplyDeleteThe above words could be found highlighted by Uztaz Ridhzuan Tee at his Facebook.
a)Bayangkan jika orang India Muslim tidak tampil ke hadapan, sudah tentu ultra kiasu ini bersorak gembira. Jika ikhlas, sepatutnya merekalah yang tampil ke hadapan memaklumkan perkara ini kepada KDN.
-------"Vishwaroopom Tamil Movie" directed by veteran actor Kamalahasan whom has for the first time in Indian film industry introduced 3D audio(2nd on the planet)and a Hollywood kind of movie with the help from USA movie producers,directors,3D engineering and others.He has no intention to finance a movie just to insult Islam,No directors would spend huge money and take a financial risk.
b) "ikhlas and sincere" --First of all do Uztaz Ridhduan Tee Abdulah understand whats the meaning "sincere" means? Holding the title "Uztaz/Dr/prime ministers department/Chairman-parents-Teachers association." Does this soul has any human values in his heart? couldn't even differentiate a movie goer and a anti faith extremist, holding several key positions in the government/civil servant.
c)He has written several books regarding Islam and others.From what i see reading a few pages ,i notice Uztaz Riduan Tee has not been sincere in writing his books,The contents contains improper actual details of history,place and events that truthfully took place .The western writers or historian writers would value the historical findings and info but he altered and lied and wrote something which is not true.Once a lie is found in a book ,it has no value and considered redundant script/ falsifying author.His books contains lies,inaccurate details of history and events that actually took place.
c)Its shame that his a doctor and posses an hatred mind towards "Indians/Hinduism". Since converting to Islam ,he thinks by uttering "ALLAH/I'm a Muslim" the world are at his feet and could say and do as he wish.Islam has a time frame that will end ,we know what to do with you. Indian are the first race to declare "GOD",do you think we are stupid not to know the future and past.Today on the planet some scientist are doing research to find why Indians are masters in "software, oldest scriptures Vedas found in India,founders/genius in mathematics and others. The Malay/Chinese wouldn't exist today if there are no Indians.To create a Malay/Chinese body one needs the "Indian DNA" or an "Indian Blood".You stupid idiot go find out what are smart/sincere scientific souls are researching about.Your books fits the public toilet paper.I'm a writer too but i don't lie, Inaccurate details would only undermine the path of truth. The swamiji --researcher and investigator of worlds religion.
d)Swamiji vs uztaz -- Go pray because i'am going to end your ego.
Dear Swamiji i pray that u received the taufiq and hidayah from ALLAH SWT....indeed what u say it's right about Hindusm being the oldest religion but do u think that it is the right and true religion that will bring u to the Paradise in the Hereafter???
ReplyDeleteFinally,i have a Malay Muslim whom have confessed that Hinduism the Oldest faith/pioneer religion.Do you know that many none Hindu religious scholars are envious for not being in the "Oldest faith". Researcher like me will value the oldest faith because the oldest faith holds the "core key "details about "LIFE" .If Hinduism sits on the 2nd oldest, i wouldn't waste my time claiming its the greatest religion on the planet because 2nd(Buddhism) and 11th religion like Islam only follows/copies text from the oldest faith and alters the words to suit their new found faith.To be at the "Number One faith " must have came from the "Creator"unlike 2nd place /after all founders are "Human".The Muslim scholars are unable to figure out or understand "Hinduism because of its multiplex scripture knowledge" could only be understood by very few scholars/researchers like me.If Its difficult to understood doesn't mean its " path is Wrong ". Muslims cant understand but we Hindus value the knowledge provided by the "Creator/God" .As far as i know my path towards "Heaven is there already,I could see that beautiful land" Maybe its you Muslims whom should reanalyze your paradise world in the afterlife .The "Islam Firdus world is known as " Indraloka in Sanskrit word . The christian and Muslim simply replaced "INDRALOKA" to Islamic name.No Muslim ever put their foot on that land. The Muslims claim that they have gone there are all pure lies written in recently holy books rather than historical claim."Allah word" is not found by the Muslims(refer to wiki) and you want me to think where my future is.Your Islamic research only fits the trash.I'm getting feedback that most of the countries "suraus/masjid/Mosque",the Malays spirits are loitering there rather being in the paradise world.As far as i know all Muslims after death refers to "Karma's law" rather than Islam.Islam don't rule mother-nature but Hinduism rules Mother-nature .The swamiji-- researcher/investigator of worlds religion including Islam.We swamiji's don't have to preach lies because we represent as father and mother for the entire creations souls/roh. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Hollywood movies such as " Black hawk down" ?Don't have guts to face western movies. <---
b)Its very true Muslim terrorist practice the above --Pakistani Sunni mosque and shia mosque bombed here and there indiscriminately by Muslims
b) -------- Why not put effort to talk to Pakistani Sunni's and shias for a peaceful settlement could save the children's limps and head being blown -off or your unaware all the bombings around the planet committed by Muslims in the name of "GOD".<--- CIA's devide n conquer.. Jews at work..
please speak BAHASA okay..!
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry my Bahasa Melayu language very poor.I need to provide the most accurate,analytical report and detailed comments regarding religion.I don't think Bahasa has the capability.Bahasa Malaysia itself has borrowed the English language letters to identify itself a language that are "spoken and written" language to the world community.I don't think its harm to interact in English as English and worlds languages all originated from "Sanskrit language"The most important of all is "messages" are understood.
ReplyDeleteTheswamiji --Hinduism spiritual Master.
ReplyDelete主席MCA GOMBAK叶金福住Taman Desa Jaya,吉隆坡甲洞是一个佛教信仰叛徒。
2)他用 权力叫警察和外人到来佛教神圣的地方,试图抓佛教僧侣。僧侣做错了什么?
Memberitahu kepada orang ramai,
Ketua MCA Gombak YIP KUM FOOK yang bertinggal di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur ialah seorang pengkhianat Buddha.
1) Dia guna kuasanya upah kumpulan ganas cuba menukul Sami Buddha SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KL.
2) Dia guna kuasanya suruh polis dan orang luar pijat tanah suci Kuil, cuba menangkap Sami Buddha tanpa kesalahan.
3) Dia guna kuasanya makan wang persatuan Buddha.
4) Dia guna kuasanya tipu wang perempuan dan merosakan keluarga orang lain
5) Dia benar-benar orang jahat dan penipu
Inform the public,
Head of MCA Gombak YIP KUM FOOK stay at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong Kuala Lumpur is a traitor Buddha.
1) He used his powers wage violent of groups tried hammer Buddhist Monk at SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR
2) He used his powers to order police and outsider to step the Holy place, try to catch the Buddhist monks without wrongdoing.
3) He used his powers to corruption money of Buddhist associations.
4) He used his powers to cheated women's money and broken people family
5) He’s totally evil and lying
Org India di Malaysia memang dah besar kepala. Tengok lah Palanivel. Najib masih pening kepala sebab BN tak menang 2/3. Palanivel tak prduli. Berulangkali buat kenyatan sokongan undi org India utk BN bertambah. Padahal menang kawasan majoriti/ hampir majoriti Melayu. Memang dasar tak kenang budi. Tak tahu nak berterima kasih pun pd pengundi Melayu. Yg dia tahu cuma tuntut hak India...India ...India.
ReplyDeleteSaya teringat cerita ayah mengenai seorg Inggeris ketika Malaya baru merdeka. Dia geram dgn kuli-kuli India di estet getah miliknya mengadu masalah berak yg bersepah-sepah dlm estet. Padahal yg berak tu ahli keluarga mereka sendiri. Dia mempunyai satu falsafah tentang org India ni. Kalau berada diatas bersikap menindas. Kalau berada dibawah sentiasa menyalak. Itulah budaya yg diamalkan dari negara asal mereka.
Pemimpin2 Melayu Malaysia yg tak biasa dgn budaya tu sentiasa melayan tuntutan demi tuntutan, sampai tuntutan pinda novel Interlok pun dilayan. Semata mata sebab ada fakta golongan pariah. Padahal di India sendiri sampai sekarang masih ada universiti yg tak terima pelajar pariah. Kalau terima akan ada ugutan bunuh diri dari golongan kasta tinggi.
Kuil Batu Caves tu memang menyusahkan, terutama masa Thaipusam. Macamana boleh berhimpun jutaan manusia di kawasan yang hampir dgn perumahan? Di India sendiri pun takde perhimpunan sebesar itu. Itulah cara mencabar jemaah Islam di masjid Amaniah. Dan pemimpin politik Hindu tersohor di Malaysia, Samy Velu masih takpuashati ada kuil hebat di Batu Caves. Sekarang rancang pula nak bena satu lagi kuil hebat di Putrajaya. Jika siap nanti alangkah bangganya dia. Jika umat Islam ada dua kota suci di Mekah dan Madinah, umat Hindu akan ada dua kota suci di Batu Caves dan Putrajaya. Saya sebagaiman majoriti umat Islam pengundi di Batu Caves memang dah berazam takkan beri undi pd calun MIC sebab sikap mencabar umat Islam dgn aktiviti perarakan Thaipusam yg menyusahkan. Dan berdoalah umat Islam semua disamping beri kemenangan pd calun PAS utk PRU14 jika projek kuil di Putrajaya tu diteruskan.
To MrSalmi abd hamid May 13, 2013 at 11:21 PM ------ Its a very long and involves many questions, which in turn needs deep explanation, anyway I'll try my best stage by stage based from my experience as truthfully .
ReplyDelete1a)Org India di Malaysia memang dah besar kepala / dasar tak kenang budi /Tak tahu nak berterima kasih pun pd pengundi Melayu.----------Lets go back to History between mid 1975’s. The Indians in Malaysia has been kind and patience ever since Former P.M Dr Mahathir Mohammad propelled his ambitious project to uplift the Malay race. P.M Dr Mahathir Mohammad considered himself Bangsa Melayu ,I’am born as Anak Melayu ,rejected other races as one and equal in the country. He has no idea or any clues why his born as “Malay”. He thought the country is at his mercy, he had vision “ The superior Malay race comparable to the white race/Europeans as an advance, intellectual Malay race on the planet. Everything was provided for the Malays from school children’s receiving “Adidas boots, Biasiswa fund and others” during my school days, 35years ago. The Malays received free land, Houses and many other lucrative help from the Government but none reached Indians and Chinese. The Chinese managed to go through P.M Dr Mahathir Mohammad “Bangsa Melayu Hurricane” but the Indians especially the weak and poor fell miserably in “Economics” .The Chinese were designed to master in wealth by “Karma law “but not so for the “Tamil race ”. The Highly Educated and others somehow managed but the weak Tamils became worse. The Malays with an “Islamic mind” abused the none Malays in every field –Government jobs, Education ,Business, Citizenship, laws and others. Dr Mahathir pursued his ambitious dream along with the most dangerous faith on the planet “Islam”. Islam and Melayu would help to integrate well for that superior “Melayu “which Dr Mahathir envisioned. The Malays all posses very different characters, when “Islam” is applied into their minds, some will adept in a peace full manner but others ,The majority will turn to extremisms. The extremist Muslims will feel “Allah, I am Muslim. Saya Melayu, Negara saya, Saya Tuan Tanah “The Malays Islam abused the Indians in almost every corner of the country. Living with the Muslim extremist only worsen the situation as they abused the Hindu Tamils at Work place(private/Government depts).Example --(The kampong Medan incident ).The civil servant Muslim Malays propelled their very own agenda of weakening the None Muslims /Malays. They stopped/slowed all financial aid, disrupted in education, jobs, restructuring after restructuring every fields to suit the Malays. Even during a Hindu festival, the Hindu neighbor approached the Muslim neighbor to request for banana leaves but the Malay Muslim neighbor shouted “Saya orang Islam ,mana boleh saya beri”. Their traditional kindness has been blinded by Islam. I’m very sure almost all the radical Malays would have done some sort of sinister act towards the Hindus. The Muslim clerics including ustaz,imam in every corner of the countries mosque, surau, universities and independent Islamic organization had provided insulting details regarding the Hindu scriptures .Along with the motivation to act as they wished as they consider Islam allows such heinous acts towards the kafirs as “Legal”.
1b)The former P.M Dr Mahathir Mohammad knows only that his a “Melayu” but has knows nothing about the “Melayu Blue Print”. The Dr Mahathir cried at Putra centre during the Umno Assembly when he realized that his entire attempt to uplift the Malay race has failed. Wealth yes, many gained but they never achieved the “Geniuses/Masters Mind”. All had to be supported by a false pillar which could collapse in the future. What’s a “Malay Blue print”? Only Hindu swamis knows ,masters among all master knows what’s that. The past and present Muslim only refer the Hindu scriptures in a hatred manner, they search for answers in an untruthful path that’s leads into a false mind. Swamis like me whom believes in truth spend years but the fool’s digs for laughter. Dr Mahathir’s vision had failed.
ReplyDeleteThe Indians were sidelined and ignored by the government .Dr Mahathir knew very well that the M.I.C for Indians was not enough and administered by selfish professionals like Mr. Samy Velu/Team at top end and at the lower level from “Bus driver, Gardeners, cheap business and incompetent civil servants “holding the local presidents positions. The Malays had even “Khalwat department, a waste /useless for taxpayers fund” but for Indians simple “nothing” No departments to monitor /upgrade the poor Indians. When the situation got worse, something had to be done …”Protest “engineered by the Hindraf brothers/Team. P. Uthayakumar and Waythamoorthy.They are the architect of cracking the “Barisan Nasionals “backbone . The two Brothers are always born as brothers and they fight for “Justice” karma laws says. The redundant M.I.C today has no respect among the well educated Indians .M.I.C Palanivel and team could well sit inside a toilet and do their ground mapping to uplift the Indians. We don’t need that organization any longer. I believe that the current P.M Mr Najip Tun Razak would respect every citizen and lead the path towards democracy and peace for every soul in Malaysia. Those Malays whom were very helpful and kinds towards the Indians/Chiness during the “Black days of Mahathir era” would find peace in the afterlife, says The swamiji. We Indians never forget our friends and those whom helped when help was needed.
2) Saya teringat cerita ayah mengenai seorg Inggeris ---The Malays too have their very own true cerita that I feel the inggeries orang needs to hear – This happened during my schools days when I was 15, somewhere close to my hometown, there was an accident involving the fatal death of two young couples. The young girl, a Caucasian blonde was around 23yrs of age. The accident took place at the heart of a Malay Kampong. There the Kampong Malay males undress her bra and panties to look at her white vaginal and pink colored nipple; it’s an unforgettable event for the kampong boys to be joy full. They stole even the durians inside the car boot. That period was during Dr Mahathir era, The Kampong was well funded with Masjids, Suraus and other utilities provided by the government. The Indian estate was not provided with adequate facilities, they had no choice but to use natures place .The beginning itself the government never provided a proper infrastructure for the Indians. The Indians at the estate never abused any dead victims, the dead should always be respected but the kampong Malays, since young Islamic religious been thought at schools and provided with good condition living place willing to disrespect the dead..Simply I say “Orang Jakun”. Budaya apakah kaum melayu mengamalkan ???Saya tak pernah dengar Orang China pun berkelakuan begitu terhadap orang yang dah meninggal. Why don’t you Father bark at the Malays camp before others.
ReplyDelete3) Pemimpin2 Melayu Malaysia yg tak biasa dgn budaya tu sentiasa melayan tuntutan demi tuntutan, sampai tuntutan pinda novel Interlok pun dilayan. ---
Brief explanation of Interlock Book --: Interlok novel is a 1971 Malay language novel written by Malaysian national laureate Abdullah Hussain. The novel was included in the syllabus for the Malay Literature subject as compulsory reading for students in Form 5 (Secondary 5) in schools throughout Malaysia. Interlok caused a controversy when detractors claim that the novel contained derogatory words to describe Malaysian Indians, such as "pariah" and "black people". The story in the novel was set in Penang in the early 1900s during the colonisation of Britain over Malaya. The story is told from the point of view of three main characters, namely, Seman, Chin Huat and Maniam.
Brief explanation of Malay race ----: Malay’s language is based from Hinduism Sanskrit language, cultural (adat melayu) – such as Wayang Kulit, Baju Kurung, Tarian Melayu such as Kuda Kupang, Masakan Melayu, Sepak Takraw, Keris(weapon)Melayu, Bomoh Datuk Melayu, Sepak Takraw, Silat Melayu, All Malay preislamic ,Iban or Kadazan musical Instruments, are origination from Hinduism. There are no Malay founders or Geniuses to date. All the above origination was from Hinduism.
How could the Malays refer the Tamils as pariahs?
The Islamic Umno Malay considers that the Tamils should be known as “Pariahs” in the “INTERLOCK Book” (Malaysian education system) a deliberate act to undermine Hinduism and Indians worldwide. How could the Tamils whom are superb rich in their culture and religion should be pointed as pariahs? The Tamils had retained their original identity that includes Tamil language spoken and written (Malays don’t posses their very own writing rather borrowed from English written words), Hinduism religion (oldest religion on the planet), cultural, South Indian Bharatha natyam dance, literatures from Thirukural, Philosophers, swami’s whom praised God, Musical instruments such as Mridangam, supreti, venu, kanjira, Yoga and others for centuries. The Tamils had valued their ancestor’s traditions, culture, and religion since ancient time till today. The Malays whom had abandon the Golden gift from Hinduism. The Malays entire history, cultural, civilizations roots are based from Hinduism. A race that deliberately forgets its founding origin.
2b)Who are the pariahs?
ReplyDeleteIn the English dictionary it says “pariah means outcast”. The word “pariah” is Tamil word and not found in any Sanskrit Hindu scriptures but could be considered as “candela means low cast people”. Religious texts from Hinduism scriptures considers “Candela person whom lives in immoral way, improper behavior, don’t value ancestors culture, languages, knowledge, religious principles including the path towards God. Have sex within family members, use derogatory words and others. The Malays whom actually abandon and forgot their ancestor’s culture and religion. There‘s a Malay proverb “kacang lupakan kulit” .The Malays don’t understand the key value of life from their Hindu Malay ancestors root and path instead they choose the uncivilized Islamic path which directs them to hate other race, culture and faiths.
Below example --After reading the malaysiakini interview with Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (Ikim) director-general Dr Syed Ali Taufix Al-Attas, I cannot but disagree with certain of his views which appear myopic and bigoted. He says the Malays are Malays because of Islam and therefore they are Muslims first and that they are not Malays without Islam. DrSyed Ali Taufix Al-Attas from IKIM willing to change the core identity of Religion History. They are willing to change anything that undermines Islam or Malays. The Umno Malays feels shame, angry and unbearable to accept that their roots are from Hinduism and Indian. The Umno Government willing to be silent and supportive to any kinds of attacks, insults or destruction towards Hindu Indians culture and religion.
A race that deliberately forgets its roots should be considered as “Pariahs”. The UMNO Malays are “PARIAHS”.
Brief explanation of author Abdullah Hussain. ---Founder of Interlock novel. I have heard of world’s famous novel writers whom enlighten every soul on the planet providing love stories such as Cleopatra, space exploration, archeologist and many other beautiful events that could be written in a book. Are there any Malays whom have been selected for “Nobel peace prize” ? Malay Author Abdullah Hussain’s racialist novel could only flame souls on the planet. Did he did a deep research to find the origin of the word “Pariah”, did he ever travel to India to find the root of the word pariah ? Or does he have deep understanding of the religion Hinduism. Why is there caste system ? Any writer would logically identify that the ‘interlock novel” has no value rather it’s an insult for the Indian Tamils. Scientist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was known to the world as Chandra. The word chandra means "moon" or "luminous" in Sanskrit. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was one of the foremost astrophysicists of the twentieth century. He was one of the first scientists to couple the study of physics with the study of Astronomy and Black hole. He attended Hindu High School where he graduated in 1925 at the age of fifteen. He earned a bachelors degree in physics from Presidency College. His mother tongue was Tamil. Notice the difference between a Malay author and Tamil scientist contribution for mankind. Tamil scientist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar graduated at Hindu high school where else Dr Syed Ali Taufix Al-Attas attached with Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (Ikim) provides inaccurate, falsifying history and lies which pleases the ears of vast majority Umno Malays .The interlock author Abdullah Hussain life time achievements is all about insulting a race, world fame authors have high respect for history, race and cultural. They all write and provide accurate details what took place, comparison to Malay author Abdullah Hussein seems to suit or should be called as the “pariah author”.
2c)Brief explanation of Dato Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein --Malaysia home affairs minister: I’m born as Malay, Muslim,Umno and kisses the Keris .Malaysia belongs to me, my power, its melayu power, I’m Islam .No one has the right to question my privileges. Does he know who the founder of the Keris dagger is? The dump politician knows nothing about how the keris became part of Malays culture or what’s life after death. These Malay races are so dump, ignorant and blinded about “soul”. Are there such things as Malay soul when the Malay body dies? These fools don’t understand religion principles and Mother Nature’s creation.
ReplyDeleteThe swamiji --to be continued part 3/4 .World researcher and investigator
4)Kuil Batu Caves tu memang menyusahkan, terutama masa Thaipusam/Kuil Di Putra jaya. --- In India there are several Hindu festivals which draws much larger crowds than Malaysia .Please update with accurate news regarding Hindu festivals at India. The Ganges for instance. The Thaipusam Hindu festivals are a place for souls to meet the “Supreme and blessings from The Creator whom took the form of Lord Muraga”. Being a Human one has to fulfill his or her soul’s destination for present/ afterlife. The material world has its limitation. I strongly believe that Islamic suraus around the country causes more disturbance for every life including the birds awaken by a nuisance sound from a load speaker. The Thaipusam Hindu devotees are not violent devotees unlike Muslims whom blast bombs here and there indiscrimately in the name of God. Large crowd areas one has to tolerate such an event. Even Muslim festivals or Friday prayers almost nationwide cars are packed indiscrimately by worshipers. Thaipusam Hindu devotees peacefully attain their desired goals for mankind & peace. Hinduism the oldest/pioneer faith among other faiths including Islam which sits on the 11th position is well engineered by the Almighty God. The Hindu Temple plays different role comparison to Islam’s Mosque. Islam founder a Human but Hinduism founder “The Creator/Supreme”. The entire planet filled with Islam’s mosque would be considered null and void or simple default faith. The Hindu Temples are different, its building infrastructure, the detailed placing of deities, pyramid designed facing upwards towards the sky and others are for souls to attain “Moksah” according to space and time. Further details couldn’t be provided as these are very deep secrets of Hinduism. Islam knows nothing about the purpose of life that’s why they are “lost/redundant/confused/default religion”. A single Hindu Temple at Putra Jaya will be a great blessing for the entire souls whom reside there but not the same for a mosque. Why ??? Ask Dr Riduan Tee Abdullah, Speaker Indian born Dr Zakir Naik or even Ex Hindu Shah Kirit. None of them knows. Only Knowledgeable/intelligent swamijis like me knows that deep secrets. The Muslims whom ruled India for 700yeras failed to decode the Sanskrit coded Hindu scriptures as they all possessed an evil mind to discredit Hindu scriptures which in turn failed to reveal those secrets. If you seek the truth, one has to be sincere and truthful that leads to the right path. No other faiths willing to destroy their very own worship house other than Islam almost daily by reading news, the Muslims destroy their very own house of God. The radical Muslim always uneasy to accept other faiths, I believe their days are numbered and no way on Earth could they do any harm towards Hinduism. Hinduism build in “STEALTH TECHNOLOGY” by the “CREATOR”. Even by complete destruction of the entire Hindu infrastructure, Hinduism still exist because …it’s a deep secret fools like Dr Noodin Tee cant figure out. But I’m very sure being a Swamiji , we don’t speak lies nor propagate untrue stories ---Islam’s days ending. Dr Noordin Tee provides speeches which contains lies and none relevant explanation regarding Hindu scriptures. The Indonesian Bali Malay Hindus life in their minds is peace but the radical Islam Malays mind contains hatred, destruction, uneasiness of mind state and fear. “Fear” Are they on the right track??? The Swamiji --Fear not me but fear the one that walks along the Tiger.
ReplyDeleteSangat setuju...penulisan berdasarkan realiti dan konteks Malaysia...Islam sebagai agama rasmi..
ReplyDeleteRT dapat banyak duit ! RT sangguh mengkhinat bangsa dan agama kerana duit. Ada duit semua boleh...
ReplyDeleteSaya pernah berbual dengan orang india yang datang kerja di Malaysia (Dulunya nama Tanah Melayu untuk maklumat orang india yang lupa diri. Sekarang melayu/cina/india dah kongsi Tanah Melayu. Nak bagi puas hati lagi, tukar ke nama Malaysia... Jadi tolong ingat sama sejarah. Melayu sudah kasi muka). Orang ni datang ke Malaysia sebagai PROGRAMMER. Dia pun pelik dengan penganut agama india di sini. Berbeza kata dia.... Macam terlalu kuat agama. Tapi yang pelik bila dia tengok dan benci semasa orang2 ni minum arak...mabuk.. Memalukan diri dia sebagai penganut agama.... Semua agama suruh buat perkara baik. Suruh amal kehidupan yang baik.. Tapi kalau amalan hidup teruk sangat, jangan katakan itu peribadi.... TOLONG JANGAN BUAT ORANG MELAYU ISLAM MARAH.....
ReplyDelete1) Saya pernah berbual dengan orang india yang datang kerja di Malaysia (Dulunya nama Tanah Melayu untuk maklumat orang india yang lupa diri/ Nak bagi puas hati lagi, tukar ke nama Malaysia... Jadi tolong ingat sama sejarah. Melayu sudah kasi muka). --- For my knowledge Malaysia was known as “MALAYA” before independence in the year 1957.”Malaya is a “Tamil/Sanskrit word “.History also reveals that Portuguese, British, Chinese, Indians, Sumatra merchants refer as “Malaya” rather than “Tanah Melayu”. Even when the first Tamils were brought to Malaysia around 1876 the Tamils referred Malaysia as “Malaya” rather than “Tanah Melayu”.”Tanah Melayu “was just introduced by the confused radical UMNO Malays whom felt history holds some secret about their past “Hinduism “which needed alteration from the truth. The Islamic Malays feels uneasiness in the eyes of the modern Malaysian public as their ancestor Malays were Hindus widely known and spoken daily. Refer to the experts review regarding Malaysia before and after independence 31 August 1957.
ReplyDeletea) Prior to the foundation of Melaka, "Melayu" referred solely to Sumatra [2]. Even in the early 16th century, Tomé Pires, a Portuguese apothecary who stayed in Melaka from 1512 to 1515, writes that "Tanah Malayu" is the southeastern part of Sumatra. Today, the term Tanah Melayu (literally: 'The Malay Land') is generally used by Malaysian Malays and occasionally used in political discourse to describe uniting all ethnic Malay people on the peninsula under one Malay nation, although this ambition was largely realized with the creation of Malaysia.
b) History shows that the word ”Melayu” originated from Sumatra and large Malays whom migrated from Sumatra to Malaya .The Native orang Asli speaks Malay language too and they were the original aborigines of Malaya(Malaysia) whom worshiped mother nature rather than Islam.. Singapore included as Malaya based from British era. Old Malay was influenced by Sanskrit . Islam only erased and confused the core identity of Malays origin. The current Islamic Malays wish is to let every none Malays to know that Malaysia belongs to “Bangsa Melayu,Anak Melayu,Tanah Melayu” lagi apa boleh isi untuk memterteramkan fikiran melayu radical ini.???
c) Malaysian Indians are Malaysians of Indian origin. Many are descendants from those who migrated from India during the British colonization of Malaya. Prior to this, Indians have been present in the Malayan archipelago at least since the period of the influential Tamil Chola dynasty of the 11th century. Today, they form the third largest ethnic group in Malaysia after the Chinese and the Malays (Wikipedia)
ReplyDeleted)Tamil words in Malay ---!)Tamil Malay English akka kakak elder sister 2)kadai kedai shop 3)kappal kapal ship 4)muthu mutiara pearl 5)vagai bagai kind of 6)nagaram negara country 7)bhoomi bumi earth
2a)–Its you’re the one whom has falsified the Malay History. The South Indian Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and others referred Malaysia as “Malaya and not Tanah Melayu” before independence. The name being change to “Malaysia from Malaya” you have to refer to the agreement signed by the Late Tunku Abdul Rahman(1st P.M) with the British .So what if it’s Malaya, Tanah Melayu or Malaysia, the current Malaysian none Malays are being oppressed by the majority Muslim Malays initiated by Former P.M Mahathir Mohammad (refer to earlier comments ). The None Malays rights are abused in every angle and daily they are being aired that you’re not the citizen of Malaysia. The Islam Malays would advertise in many ways to indirectly make none Malays feel that they don’t belong here and not citizen of Malaysia that’s why our current P.M Mr Najib introduced the “Satu Malaysia”. The name of a country is not suka –suka tukar nak puas hati -- The name “Malaysia” must have been chosen by “politicians” as I have mentioned you need to look at the agreement paper with the British Government. The countries flag, logo and other symbols are decided by senior politicians whom makes the final decision and not whimsically choose any flag or name of a country. There are numerous International historians and universities all over the world which posses details of the Malays, Malaysia, south East Asia and also internet Wikipedia. Umno Muslim Malays wants to hide the truth of past History, so currently one will notice the Malays or Malaysia history being altered here and there which in turn will confuse knowledge seekers at schools and universities. The word “BUMIPUTRA” Bumi means Earth in Sanskrit and Putra means prince. I believe even this word could cause certain Malays uneasiness to accept as it clearly and will always remind the Malays that your past links to “Hinduism”.
2b)Melayu sudah kasi Muka – Apa Muka??? The Malaysian Chinese voters abandoned Barisan National because every Chinese in the country knows and it’s visible the abuses committed by radical Malays. This Land belongs to Hindu..Its a Hindu Land so does the entire creations. Hinduism the oldest and the first. Based from my research but if you denied it, I can’t help you; it’s your rights as your falsified knowledge mind unable to further search for answers. For being a Hindu Land all souls born have the right to live and speak and attain liberation and not for Malay’s souls only. Temporary only the Malays rule Malaysia but it’ll be taken away in the future and No Malays will ??? (secret of Hinduism). I swamiji knows what the future is all about.
3)Orang ni datang ke Malaysia sebagai PROGRAMMER. Dia pun pelik dengan penganut agama india di sini. Berbeza kata dia.... Macam terlalu kuat agama. Tapi yang pelik bila dia tengok dan benci semasa orang2 ni minum arak...mabuk.. Memalukan diri
ReplyDelete3a) The “Programmer” a foreigner, Local none Malay Malaysian don’t have jobs and university seats are not provided enough too. It’s a shame and how stupid are the Umno Malays whom rules the country in awkward way.”Bodoh siapa and diskrimasi ? sendiri punya rakyat tak jaga nak bela orang luar”, Doctor di-import ,Anak Malaysia tak dapat peluang jadi doktor,even Mahathir brought “Bosnian citizen” and provided better living condition than being provided for Malaysian Indians. What’s a citizen means? Mahathir’s father an Indian converted to Islam, but he acts like his posses pure Malay blood. He visits his ancestor’s homeland “KERALA”. When he dies, let’s see who he meets. (Secret of Hinduism)
3b)O.k now lets go for the “Programmer”. The programmer came to Malaysia for economic reason and his not a philosopher/Engineer like me. Little info being provided regarding the programmer, is he Indian, religion, which part of India he /she came from?.I don’t think the “programmer “values religious matters. There are all over India many religious festivals held much larger scale than Malaysia, only the Radical Islamic Malays are not comfortable with the deep religious sentiment Hindus posses .India is also well known as the “Land of the Gods”.Every world researchers would target the oldest faith that points “India” rather than Middle East. That “programmer “if he/she came from India than, I’m sure Knows nothing about “LIFE”.
4a) Tapi yang pelik bila dia tengok dan benci semasa orang2 ni minum arak...mabuk.. Memalukan diri dia sebagai penganut agama.... Semua agama suruh buat perkara baik. Suruh amal kehidupan yang baik.. Tapi kalau amalan hidup teruk sangat, jangan katakan itu peribadi.... TOLONG JANGAN BUAT ORANG MELAYU ISLAM MARAH....
I agree that Indians have “Drinking Problem” but what is the Government of Umno Malays .tare helping to eradicate the problem. I visited some M.I.C. Branches only to see poster or topics discussing “Masala Dadah” rather than the actual Indians core problems. For Malays nation wide there are drug centre catering all sorts of helps for the Malay drug addicts but there are no such centers funded by the government for “Drunkards”. I am an Indian, don’t drink, smoke and vegetarian and always posses a none violent approach towards all souls. Understand the “Heart of the Message”. Apa nak benci – Orang Islam melayu pun ada minum arak, The public too don’t like drunkards and it’s a problem for all communities. Snatch- thief majority are Islam Malays. The Malays were thought “Islam” since young but still how come ended as “drug addicts, thieves, rapist, murder and others. The Umno Government spend money and other resources for Malays and still the Malays end up as “sampah Negara”. The Government never helped Indians with such huge fund ,you have to accept that more damages are being committed by Malays or I say “pelik bila dia tengok dan benci semasa orang2 ni” should be pointed at “Melayu”. I feel you and the programmer should consider that both of you’ll are too stupid/dump to know “what’s going around”.
–The swamiji –worlds researcher .Lord Ganapathy the Gods of the ancestor Malays.
Delete5a) Semua agama suruh buat perkara baik. Suruh amal kehidupan yang baik.. Tapi kalau amalan hidup teruk sangat, jangan katakan itu peribadi.... TOLONG JANGAN BUAT ORANG MELAYU ISLAM MARAH --Earth contains all sort of lives including “Humans”. All lives are alive because there’s “SOUL”. Islam/Christianity is the only faith that disrespects other faiths which leads to discrimination of culture, language and eradicate natives/aborigines culture worldwide., so why do you point at the drunkard Indians. Are all Malays born perfect 100% or the Malays born along with a lotus flower and jewel crown ? The Malays too have their very own ethnic problem which they should feel ”Memalukan Ugama dan Bangsa”..Hinduism too knows that all Hindus born are not perfect as theses souls go through reincarnation process where a soul needs time to realize what’s its doing is “Wrong”. Hinduism the oldest acts according time and nature where else the violent Islam as usual propagates it’s the most outstanding religion and knows everything but the truth, it’s the worst and has numerous unsolvable problems.
ReplyDeleteb) TOLONG JANGAN BUAT ORANG MELAYU ISLAM MARAH - The Umno melayu and others had been committing sins for the past 35years since the Half mamak Mahathir Mohammod took office. I believe at list 80% of the none Malays knows very well the sins committed by “Melayu Islam”. Don’t point the finger at the Chinese or Indians, The none Malays did their part as citizen of Malaysia, only the radical Malays whom abused, which they should feel guilty. Mother Nature knows who’s right and wrong. All are souls whom travel into different bodies ,just that we look different in bodies but souls nature all are same.Malays ancestors words ”KITA SAMA-SAMA”. The Swamiji –World’s researcher and investigator. Hindu Guru.
Please inform Majlis Madrasah India Muslim Malaysia (MIM) for a Gentlemen debate about "The Movie Vishwaroopam " with "The swamiji".My Facebook -- "Theswami Swami Theswami Swami " Thank you
ReplyDeleteReply by The Intelligent Dr Ridhuan Tee(Facebook) --All this while they have never use the word Allah in our country, so why the sudden need for the word of Allah has to be used?
ReplyDeleteThe word" ALLAH" doesn't belongs to Islam/Muslims. Islam founder Prophet Nabi Mohammed or any Muslims on the planet never found the word "Allah" only made it famous worldwide.The Christians, The Jews or Any new founding religious organization have the right to use the word "Allah to refer God". Allah don't belong to Muslims or the Muslims have the right to question anyone whom uses. The word "Allah" had existed long before Islam appeared on the Planet.
I strongly support the Christian using the word "Allah" to be written in the bible as The AL mighty God because Muslims have tarnished the Image of God. The entire intelligent souls on the planet daily could watch the horrible inhuman way the Muslim bomb within the Muslim' camp and attack innocent none Muslims worldwide(Arab-spring). They kill innocent lives and chant "Allah",Bomb their very own mosque chant "Allah", Fire RPG rocket at another Muslim both Muslim will chant "Allah u Akbar". Everyone are sick of this idiots shows .All the above incidents reveals very clearly to any nutshell or the self proclaim " The Intelligent Dr RidhuanTee Abdullah to realize that Islam had truthfully Tarnished the Holy God's name,may "at list "Allah" rest in peace in the hands of the Christians. Muslims don't posses any deep details of "ALLAH". The swamiji --worlds researcher and investigator.
ReplyDeleteTakyah dgr la ckap india ni... kite sume tau india ni mcm mana... jadi tak perlu la dgr... dgr pun kite gak yg sakit ati... kalau tak.. takkan de peribahasa kite... kalo de ular dgn keling... ketuk keling dlu baru ular...
ReplyDeleteIni keling nak tegakkan benang yang basah....
ReplyDeleteHello Mr Pariah, peoples are well known what type of "races" you are and there is no need for you to twisted the facts with your cheap comments.
You should have be grateful that your grandfather/mother had been brought in Malaya by British. Otherwise, i am pretty sure that you will continue be treated as "pariah" at your own motherland till today.
Negara India untuk orang India, balik India lah orang India di Malaysia ni yang memangnya keturunan pariah.....
ReplyDeleteMalau nak mengaku asal usul pariah...keling keling keling semuanya dari kelinga dari India semuanya berbangsa pariah.....
Swamiji tu mcm bagus aje. Confident aje yg Hindu tu agama paling tua kat dunia ni.
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya, fakta yg mengatakan agama Hindu adalah agama tertua adalah berdasarkan kajian orang barat. Kononnya orang barat ni hebat dari segala perkara. Maka apa yg dia orang kata atau tulis, betul belaka dan mesti dipercayai.
Sebagai contoh Charles Darwin mengeluarkan teori mengatakan manusia ni berasal dari spesis beruk. Kalau ya, kenapa masih wujud beruk/monyet atau yg seangkatan dgnnya hingga ke hari ini? Kenapa tak semua beruk tu bertukar jadi manusia. Kenapa masih ada saki baki beruk terus kekal jadi beruk sampai sekarang?
Wahai orang kafir, sebenarnya manusia ini berasal dari Nabi Adam A.S dan isterinya Hawa yg dijadikan Allah di syurga. Agama yg mereka anuti ialah Islam. Walau bagaimana pun dari segi kaedah melaksanakan tuntutan agama mungkin berbeza dari apa yg orang Islam lakukan zaman sekarang. Islam zaman sekarang melakukan tuntutan agama Islam berdasarkan apa yg diajarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
Tak perlu berceloteh panjang di sini. Kalau berminat tentang Islam tanyalah orang yg benar-benar arif tentang Islam. Saya sendiri tidak layak.
To Theswamiji, if you think you know too much about Hinduism and other religions, talk to Dr Zakir Naik. He is an Indian but a Muslim scholar. You can find a lot of his videos in YouTube.
Yg ikhlas,
Hamba Allah
sedih bila baca komen2 di atas ni...kita semua dah jd rkyt msia...hormat mnghormati tu paling penting...
ReplyDeletebila cina susah,mlyu tolong...bila mlyu susah,india tolong...bila india susah,cina sama mlyu tolong...